Virginia: Unitary Combined Report Reference Guide Posted in Advance of July 1 Pro Forma Due Date
Notice, Vir. Dept. of Tax. (5/7/21). Pursuant to new state law requiring some corporations that are members of a “unitary business” to file an informational report with the Virginia Department of Taxation (Department) by July 1 containing the unitary group’s combined net income and tax [see H.B. 1800 (2021), and State Tax Matters, Issue 2021-15 and State Tax Matters, Issue 2021-14, for more details on this new law], the Department has posted a “Unitary Combined Report Reference Guide” that includes sixteen pages of instructions for filing the “pro forma return.” The instructions reflect how:
The report must include information about the unitary group’s income, apportionment computation, tax credits, and tax liability calculation, and
The designated member must provide the necessary information as if filing a unitary combined report under both the Joyce and Finnigan methods.
The Department continues to remind that while there is no tax due with this “one-time report,” impacted businesses that do not file the report, or make a material misstatement or omission on it, may be subject to a $10,000 penalty. The guide provides that this $10,000 penalty applies to each corporation separately – stating that “all members of a unitary combined group will each be assessed a separate penalty not to exceed $10,000.” The Department has the authority to waive the penalty upon determining that the requirement to file the report would cause an undue hardship. Please contact us with any questions.
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